Chemical looping complementary hydrogen reduction (CLHR) for recovery of valuable metals from spent LiCoO2 cathodes in lithium-ion batteries
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Updated Time:2024-05-15 17:22:11
Oral Presentation
Due to the rapidly growing demand for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and the upcoming peak in LIBs decommissioning, there is an urgent need to develop a recycling method suitable for spent LIBs. A pyro-recycling process using hydrogen as a reductant has been recognized as an environmentally friendly method for the recycling of LIBs. However, the complexity of the reaction in the conventional recycling process results in a large amount of energy waste. A novel chemical looping complementary hydrogen reduction (CLHR) strategy has been proposed for the purpose of extracting valuable metals from spent LiCoO2 batteries. This innovative method utilizes LiCoO2 as carriers, while eliminates the energy wastage caused by the traditional recycling method. The results of fluidized bed experiments showed that both high temperature and long reduction time contributed to the improvement of LiCoO2 conversion with high purity of the reduction products (mainly Li2O and Co monomer). Under the reduction condition of 800 °C and 120 min, the conversion of LiCoO2 was almost 100%, and the selectivities of Li2O and Co were 54% and 46%, respectively. Based on the experimental results, a thermodynamic analysis of the chemical looping complementary hydrogen reduction process of LiCoO2 was carried out. The results demonstrated that there was a complementary matching property between the reduction temperature and H2 concentration, and 650 °C ~ 900 °C was favorable to avoid the formation of liquid LiOH and the loss of target products.
Lithium-ion batteries,Chemical looping reduction,LiCoO2
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