Ecological Security Evaluation of Coal Resource-Exhausted Towns Based on AHP-CV Method
Submission ID:186 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2024-05-15 17:56:11
Oral Presentation
Currently, the issue of unbalanced and inadequate development of Resource-Exhausted Towns in China is becoming increasingly prominent, especially the dilemma of transformation and development of coal Resource-Exhausted Towns. Jiawang is one of the earliest national coal resource depletion demonstration areas in China, its regional ecological security has become the focus of many scholars, but there is still a lack of research at the town scale. This study analyzes the current characteristics of towns in Jiawang, establishes an ecological security assessment model for towns with exhausted coal resources based on AHP-CV method, reveals the source and response mechanism of ecological security pressure in towns under the interference of complex factors, carries out classification and coupling coordination degree analysis for typical towns with exhausted coal resources in Jiawang. The results show that: (1) The status quo of ecological security of coal resource-exhausted towns in Jiawang is as follows: Daquan Town > Laokuang Town > Qingshanquan Town > Pan Anhu Town > Zizhuang Town > Dawu Town; (2) The coupling coordination from high to low is as follows: mature towns > regenerative towns > growth towns > declining towns. The coal resource-exhausted towns in Jiawang are in a moderate coupling and barely coordinated state as a whole; (3) Mature towns face problems such as unclear production and living boundaries and ecological boundaries, fragmentation of ecological patches. The dilemma of insufficient development space caused by resource exploitation of growing towns has not been solved. The regeneration villages should focus on industrial transformation and ecological restoration. The economy and ecology of declining towns are affected and restricted by complex adverse factors.
Resource-Exhausted Towns; Ecological Security; AHP-CV, JiaWang
Submission Author
Liu Tianlong
China University of Mining and Technology
Luo Pingjia
China University of Mining and Technology
Zhang Haonan
China University of Mining and Technology
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