
[32]An experimental investigation of the base stress distribution in granular piles
Jing Hu China University of Mining and Technology State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering
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[31]Rapid Fabrication of Morphology-Co3O4 from via TE Reaction Combined with Dealloying for Supercapacitor Electrodes
Zhichao Shang University of New South Wales;China University of Mining and Technology
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[29]Evaluation of a low-cost MEMS based integrated gyroscope and accelerometer sensor using numerical methods developed in LabVIEW
Antonis Paganis PhD Candidate School of Civil Engineering NTUA
2024年05月31日 17:00~17:20
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[28]Off-policy reinforcement learning for input-constrained optimal control of dual-rate industrial processes
Haoran Luan LiaoNing Petrochemical University
2024年05月30日 15:40~16:00
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[26]Electricity Demand Forecasting with Fourfold Seasonality and Weather Forecasts
Qing-guo Wang professor Institute of AI and Future Networks, Beijing Normal University, China; Guangdong Key Lab of AI and MM Data Processing, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory IRADS, IAS, DST, BNU-HKBU United International College, China
2024年05月31日 14:00~14:20
仅限参会人 特邀报告

[25]A Light Active Soft Sensor Method for Data Streams Based on Dual Dynamic Memory
Yudong WANG China University of Mining and Technology
仅限参会人 张贴报告

[24]Design of infrared small object tracking system based on ZYNQ
Xu Wang 硕士生 China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月31日 17:40~18:00
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[23]Domain adaptive semantic segmentation based on prototype-guided and adaptive feature fusion
Yuyu Yang China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 18:00~18:20
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[22]Origin of size effect in hard carbon anodes
Yirong Wang China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月31日 15:10~15:20
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[21]Hydrothermal synthesis and dielectric responses of sillenite Bi25FeO39 microcrystals with hierarchical microstructures
Zhimin Fu China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 19:50~20:00
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[20]Weakly solvating electrolyte to generate high-performance solid electrolyte interface
Qilin Feng China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 19:00~19:10
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[19]Experimental study on soil thawing characteristic curve of clay minerals and fine sands containing clay minerals
Hao Liu China University of Mining and Technology
仅限参会人 张贴报告

[18]The conductive network of reinforced concrete structures constructed by single-wall carbon nanotubes contributes to the excellent electrode stability of lithium-ion batteries
Leihao Sun China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 14:50~15:00
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[17]Application of a High Entropy Electrolyte to Fluorinated Carbon Batteries in a Wide Temperature Domain
Gaoyu Zhou China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 19:10~19:20
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