
[54]Carbon-containing mineral raw materials separation process intensification
Valentin Kuznetsov Saint Petersburg mining university
仅限参会人 口头报告

[53]Microalgal-Mediated Fixation of CO2 from Thar Coal Fired Power Plants
Rizwan Haider University of the Punjab
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[50]Characteristics of CH4-CO2 distribution and diffusion in different burial depths of shale kerogen: A case study of Longmaxi Formation shale in the northeastern Chongqing
Tong Zhang China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 19:20~19:30
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[49]Production prediction of oil well based on attention mechanism and long short-term memory network
Ming LI Northeast Petroleum University
仅限参会人 张贴报告

[44]Model experimental study on artificial nitrogen injection to enhance sulfate removal in mine water
Guo Juan China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 19:30~19:40
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[43]Development and Application of Modular Efficient Localized Cooling System for Deep Well Mining Operations Space
Yanhe Li China Pingmei Shenma Group
2024年05月30日 15:20~15:40
仅限参会人 特邀报告

[42]Construction of a high-performance municipal monolithic membrane reactor for antibiotic degradation by electrostatic spinning method
Xinyue Cheng Kunming University of Science and Technology
2024年05月31日 16:40~16:55
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[41]Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in Chinese surface waters: A review
子惠 徐 中国矿业大学;环境与测绘学院
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[40]Synergistic degradation of Tris (2-Chloroethyl) Phosphate (TCEP) by US/Fenton system: Experimental, DFT calculation and toxicity evaluation
Lucheng Zhang China University of Mining and Technology
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[39]Hydrothermal synthesis and dielectric responses of sillenite Bi25FeO39 microcrystals with hierarchical microstructures
Zhimin Fu China University of Mining and Technology
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[38]Drill Tools Sticking Prediction Based on Long Short-Term Memory
Honglin Wu 博士 China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月31日 15:40~16:00
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[36]Coalbed Methane Reservoir Properties Evaluation and 3D Static Modeling for Sweet-Spot Prediction in Dahebian Block, Guizhou Province, China
Debashish Mondal China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 19:00~19:10
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[35]Geological and Geochemical characterization of Gondwana and Post Gondwana shales: implication for unconventional gas within the Lesser Himalaya, Nepal
Kumar Khadka China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 19:10~19:20
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[33]Enhancing Mechanical Properties Evaluation of Gangue-Based Waste Backfill with Adversarial Ensemble Robust Learning
Peitao SHI China University of Mining and Technology
2024年05月30日 19:40~19:50
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