[口头报告]Effect of different stresses on the attrition properties of iron-based oxygen carriers during chemical looping catalytic oxidation processes
Effect of different stresses on the attrition properties of iron-based oxygen carriers during chemical looping catalytic oxidation processes
更新:2024-05-16 15:44:12

报告开始:2024年05月30日 16:00 (Asia/Shanghai)
所在会议:[S5] Smart Energy and Clean Power Technology » [S5-1] Afternoon of May 30th
In response to the OC attrition problem found during the long-cycle operation, five different experimental working conditions were set up in this work according to the characteristics of the respective generation of mechanical, thermal and chemical stresses, and the cold jet attrition test was uniformly carried out to obtain the attrition characteristics of OC. By measuring the particle attrition rate, combined with Gwyn's equation and PSD particle size analysis, the attrition characteristics of OC under different working conditions were obtained. The contributions of different stresses to particle attrition were elucidated, and the attrition mechanisms of particles under different stresses were revealed. The evolution of the mechanical strength of OC particles under different working conditions was investigated through the measurement of the mechanical strength of the particles and the particle size. The mathematical relationship between the attrition rate and mechanical strength was revealed. The breakage probability curve with comprehensive consideration of particle strength and particle size was obtained by combining it with the Weibull equation. The effects of different stresses on the oxygen transfer capacity of OC and the mechanism of their action were investigated by SEM, EDS characterization analysis, and the TGA test.
Chemical looping; Oxygen carrier; Breakage; Attrition

Chen Song
China University of Mining and Technology