[口头报告]Influence of oxygen concentration on the combustion characteristics and chemical mechanism of coal mine methane in a closed chamber
Influence of oxygen concentration on the combustion characteristics and chemical mechanism of coal mine methane in a closed chamber
稿件编号:405 访问权限:仅限参会人
更新:2024-05-15 17:38:06

报告开始:2024年05月31日 15:20 (Asia/Shanghai)
所在会议:[S2] Safety Engineering and Occupational Health » [S2-3B] Afternoon of May 31st B
To reveal the combustion mechanism of coal mine methane with different oxygen concentration, a series of combustion experiments on the CH4/O2/N2 blends were conducted at a cylindrical chamber. The influences of oxygen concentration on the flame structure, combustion pressure and flame instability of methane blends with different concentrations were analyzed. The results show that the reducing O2 concentration deepens the depth of spherical flame inversion due to the enhancement of buoyancy effect, which contributes additionally to the suppression of combustion pressure by reducing the quenching expansion waves. The increasing O2 concentration enhances the intensity of Darrieus-Landau instability, and reducing the critical conditions for flame front impacted by the buoyancy effect. Since the wavelength of spherical flame inversion is greater than the critical wavelength, which implies that the inversion will continue to grow until Thermal-Diffusion stability becomes significant. Moreover, the dimensionless maximum combustion pressure pmax/(ρb∙Sl2)
and flame thickness R/lf
exist a tight correlation, which indicates that the combustion pressures of CH4/O2/N2 blends largely depends on flame thickness. A linear relationship of Di
vs. R/lf
was established, but the inverted spherical flame deviates from this linear prediction due to the weakening of the quenching expansion wave. According to the chemical pathway analysis, the O2-consuming and producing the reaction pathways are mainly dominated by CH3O →
CH2O/HO2 and HO2 →
H2O2/O2, respectively. Also, the O2 consumed by the pathways CH3O P-O2
HO2/CH2O is obtained from HO2 →
H2O2/O2, which is extremely sensitive to O2 concentration, and causes the deflagration index Di
of CH4/O2/N2 blend is more sensitive to the O2 concentration at the higher CH4 concentration.
Coal mine methane; Spherical flame; Combustion pressure; Flame instability; Chemical kinetics
